Birthstone colors
Birthstone colors

Rich deep greens are the color scheme for May, based on the fact that its birthstone is the emerald. Monochromatic color schemes look striking on their own, while these playful pink and purples work well with spring greens and yellows. These colors are reminiscent of a clear blue sky and they play perfectly with bright yellows and rich chocolate browns.īecause April’s birthstone is a diamond, and therefore ideally colorless, I’ve designed a monochromatic black-and-white color scheme, as well as a lively pink and purple color scheme based off of April’s flower, the sweet pea. However, this scheme doesn’t play particularly well alongside bolder, brighter colors.Īquamarine’s energizing bright blue color sets the stage for March’s color palette. These playful purples pair perfectly with butter-cream yellows, soft golds and pale greens.

birthstone colors

This wine-red color is bold and striking and pairs well with other jewel-tones such as forest greens and royal blues, as well as creams and off-whites.īeautiful light purples make up this color scheme, taking after February’s birthstone: Amethyst. January’s birthstone is garnet, so it’s fitting that crimson is the main focus of this palette. These palettes can be used to design all kinds of projects, from scrapbooks to birthday cards, party favors and much, much more! Included are the basic birth-month colors, as well as an example of how the color can be used to design an eye-pleasing color scheme. While there are no defined birth month color palettes, that doesn’t mean that we can’t take the traditional birthstones and turn them into fantastic palettes.

Birthstone colors