After effects particle playground layer map
After effects particle playground layer map

after effects particle playground layer map

Step 13: Here, the particles are sprinkling and low amount to increase the number of particles, we need to increase the birth rate.Īfter increasing the birth rate, we can see the amounts of particles are increase now we can feel it like snow. By expanding the Z Radius, we can push the partials front and back. Y Radius Indicates Height if we increase Y Radius, the particles expand vertically. X Radius indicates width if we increase X Radius, the particles expand horizontally. Do it for all three XYZ radiuses.Īfter expanding the radius values, the snow height and width changed. Just click on the radius and drag to the right till u get the perfect length and height. In the producer option, we can find Radius X, Radius Y, and Radius Z. Step 12: Now, let’s expand the producer option. Change the gravity to 0.300, velocity to 1.50

after effects particle playground layer map

by changing the gravity only, we can make the snowfall. Physics is the most important option to change the gravity and velocity, etc. Step 11: Let’s expand the physics values. We give birth and death colors like white because birth color means it’s the beginning and the death color means that the snow has to be white at the beginning and end, so we give white. The performance will also appear in the window below. Step 10: Now we need to change the color of those particles so, we need to change the birth and death color. Once we change the particle type, we can find that the particles shape changes like a circle and blurred looks soft like snow. Change the particle type to a faded sphere.


Step 9: Now we need to change the Particles type how to change the type? How does snow look like? A small drop like a sphere. Step 8: Let’s start with particles as we see the particle type in a line, that’s why it looks like a spark, so that we need to make the particles looks like snowfall. If we expand this option well, we will have the perfect snow effect.

after effects particle playground layer map

Step 7: In this configure window, we will mostly use producer, physics, and particles. Once the grid lines are unchecked and the axis is disabled in the visual window, the output will also be shown. Step 6: Now, we are going to change the particles into the snow, go to the configure window and uncheck the grid. We can’t see anything on the screen if we want to see the effect, just move the cursor then we can see the particles. Step 5: Once we apply the effect, the layer changes completely to the particles.

After effects particle playground layer map